A couple things I forgot to mention last week, Sister Johnstun and I also cover a small branch in a town about 45 minutes outside of Fairbanks called Nenanna. We go there about once every-other week for the day. There is also a huge military base here in Fairbanks called Ft Wainwright that like a third of our ward is on. So our ward has tons of young families with lots of little kids, it's the best!
We don't really have any solid investigators... yet. But we had a super cool miracle yesterday! A member came up to us and starting talking about this friend that she had that is totally golden and that would love to take the lessons. She told us that she talked to this friend named Rachel who is expecting the sisters to come to her house to share a spiritual thought, and the family is inviting her over for dinner on Saturday when she's feeding us!! SO COOL!!! Member missionary work is the absolute BEST! So I'll let you know how that all goes.
Oh, and there's this family in our ward, the Warners, and they are the coolest! I think they're probably the only black family in Fairbanks, but they are hilarious!!! I just love them so much. They have like a million kids and so there's always 75 people over at their house, it's a nice time. So we're going to become best friends.
We also had MLC this week (missionary leadership council) which we attended over PVC (skype). So it was all the zone leaders for the whole mission, plus sister Johnstun and I and the STL's in Anchorage and of course, President and Sister Robinson. It lasted for about 7 hours which was a little crazy. But I learned a ton and it was super fun to be able to see everyone, like the little sweetie elders in Juneau!
We tried Eskimo ice cream this week. Look it up. It was disgusting.
OH MY. and big embarrassing story for the week:
So we were returning some keys to a member, and we walk up to the door, they weren't home so we headed back to the car.
I checked my pockets and said "sister Johnstun, please tell me you have the keys.'
she says "why would I have the keys, you're driving'.
Oh dear.
I locked the keys in the car!! So we are standing out in the cold, about 8 degrees, and call our zone leaders. They were like 'no way, are you serious??" and they didn't know what to do. They told us to call the police department because they don't have a spare key for us.
I said heck no.
Right then, the members whose house we were at drove up. So they let us in their house to warm up a little, and then brother Payton grabbed a butter knife and a hanger and says 'don't worry, I got this'. So we ran back outside and proceeded to break into our little Subaru. It took about 30 minutes, but he did it!! The alarm started to go off, so we frantically looked for the keys inside the car to turn it off. After about 5 minutes we realized... the keys are not in the car. So neighbors are coming out complaining about the car honking, and we're all running around frantically looking for the keys.... and then i find them. In my coat pocket!!!!!
*face palm*
I have a hole in my pocket and they keys had fallen down the hole into the lining of my coat. Good one Sister Dall!! So all that was for nothing! It made for some good pictures though. Luckily the paytons are awesome and they got a kick out of it all. So yep, I'm a winner.
Well, not much else to report this week. The time has gone by so fast, I can't believe it's already week 3 of the transfer! It's a little frustrating some times because I just want to know everyone already so we can help them progress more. Because every visit we have, we're still just trying to get to know people and their concerns. But I know it will come, I just have to be patient. The work is good though, we never have a slow day which I am extremely grateful for. It's a miracle!
Thanks for all the prayers and support, you guys are the BEST! I love you all so so much, expect miracles!!!
Love, Sister Dall
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