This week was nothing short of miracle week!! We seriously saw so many miracles, and I wish I had time to tell you all of them.
First off, we had zone conference on Friday, so President and Sister Robinson flew in, along with the good old AP's. Sister Johnstun and I gave a training on being a diligent missionary, which is one of my most favorite things ever so I was happy. The zone leaders gave an amazing training on miracles!!!! My favorite thing ever!! So it was awesome. So basically the spirit was super strong and everyone there are now going to work super hard to be a consecrated missionary. SO GOOD!
Oh, and we did our first exchange this week. So, my first one as an STL. I went with Sister Torgeson, who lives with us. She's so awesome, it was super fun! I learned a ton from her. She came out with my trainer, sister Morrison.
Ok, one miracle we saw, we were contacting less-actives from our ward list and we knocked on the Dalton's door. A cute young girl answered the door and let us right in. She is about 23 and has a one-year-old girl. She said she and her husband had been living there for about 3 years and had never had any contact with the church. She has been wanting to get back, but didn't know where or when church was or anything. Miracle! But wait, her husband isn't a member but she told us he's interesting in taking the lessons!!! AND they all came to church yesterday!! Holy cow, coolest thing ever! And there's the cutest couple in the ward, the Fredricksons (the Perkins daughter) that were the perfect fellow-shippers for them, and just made them feel so welcomed. So it was just the best, and we're excited to see where it goes!
Also, the other sisters before us didn't really have any investigators they were teaching, so S. Johnstun and I set a goal to find some new ones. Well, this week we picked up 2 new investigators and found 2 less-active families that want to return!!!!!! NO WAY!!!! Yep, true story. And the new investigators are both from member referrals, so that truly is the way to do missionary work.
So basically we're pumped because the work is really starting to take off here. Not really much else to report for this week, But I'm happy and healthy and excited to be a more consecrated missionary and to help in the harvesting of the Lord's work!!!
Random side note, to answer all the questions about the cold:
If it's -30 we're only allowed to go to scheduled appointments and if it's -50 we can't go out at all. I've been told that it's really warm here for this time of year, so we're lucky. It hasn't really hit the negatives. If it's -30 the ward only does sacrament meeting, and all youth weekly activities are cancelled, and if it's -50 they only give the sacrament. BUT let's hope we don't hit that anytime soon :)
Ok, I love and miss you all dearly, truly I do. But keep the prayers coming, and expect miracles everyday!!! Remember to be member missionaries!
Love, Sister Dall
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